The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) provides a variety of supports for districts and schools to address the challenges of chronic absenteeism. Communicating with stakeholders is an important step to building a strong attendance culture in our schools and communities. This KDE Chronic Absenteeism Toolkit was developed to support districts and schools in their communications efforts with students, staff, families and communities. It consists of ready-to-use publications and customizable resources for effective communications and engagement with stakeholders.
"Attendance Matters" Fact Sheet
A 4-page brochure describing the issue of chronic absenteeism in Kentucky and key strategies to build a strong attendance culture in our schools and communities.

Available Versions (English)
KDE branded version for online use (8 x11)
Printable KDE branded version (11x17 foldable version)
3. Customizable section for District branding- for online use (8x11)
4. Customizable section for Disrtrict branding- for print (11 x17 foldable version)
Available Versions (Spanish)
1. KDE branded version for online use (8 x11)
2. Printable KDE branded version (11x17 foldable version)
3. Customizable section for District branding- for online use (8x11)
4. Customizable section for Disrtrict branding- for print (11 x17 foldable version)
Communications Materials for Districts and School Leaders
Each of the items below can be customized with a district or school logo, social media channels, additional information or content.
Letter Templates: For use by districts and schools to communicate with staff, families and community.
Available Versions:
1. Letterhead Template - Blank template with Attendance Matters branding
Letter to Superintendents -
KDE letter introducing the Attendance Matters campaign
Attendance Matters Letters to Staff - Attendance Matters Campaign content for district or school use (customizable)
Attendance Matters Letters to Families
5. Attendance Concern Letter to Families
6. Chronically Absent Letter to Families
Script for Video or Social Media-
Personalize this message for the district or school to share the importance of attendance with the community
Other Materials about Chronic Absenteeism
Use and share these additional resources with staff, students, families and communities to bring awareness to the issue of chronic absenteeism and build a strong attendance culture in your schools and communities.
Printable Posters
1. We missed you in class (elementary)
2. We missed you in class (secondary)
3. We missed you in band
4. We missed you in art
5. We missed you at lunch
6. We missed you in gym
7. We missed you at the game
8. We missed you at recess
9. We missed you in welding
Chronic Absenteeism at a Glance- A one-pager with key facts
Strategies for Educators (adapted from Attendance Works):
A one-pager with suggested strategies for educators to address chronic absenteeism
You and Your Child Matter- A one-pager for families
Additional Resources
Chronic Absenteeism Homepage
Persistence to Graduation and Early Warning Tools
Request for Assistance and/or Training
Schools and districts seeking assistance from the Division of Student Success can complete the Request for Assistance and/or Training. A program consultant will respond in a timely fashion when the request has been submitted.