Sample Test Items

Sample Test Items

Published: 7/24/2024 9:19 AM

​​​Kentucky periodically releases test and sample items to help students and teachers become more familiar with the item types on state assessments.


ACT has subject specific sample test questions and a free full-length practice test under each subject:

ACT Sample Questions and Practice Exams


ACCESS and Alternate ACCESS sample items are available. 

Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Released Items 

Spring 2023 KSA released items for academic content areas are available at KY | Released Items (​).  

The Kentucky release items are delivered as a package which consists of information posted on the Kentucky Portal and on PearsonAccessnext (PAN). For each grade and content, a sample set of items are released along with the statistics for each item. On all the associated documentation for each item there will be a Unique Identification Number or UIN. This number can be used across the different types of information to link the information together. 

​As required by KRS 158.6453, assessment reports provided to the school districts and schools shall include an electronic copy of an operational subset of test items from each assessment administered to their students and the results for each of those test items by student and by school​. 

​Spring 2023 Released Items Training Video ​​

Spring 2023 Released Items Training Po​werPoint

Additional test preparation materials including Practice Tests and Tutorials are available on the KY Portal.   

Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA) Released Items

​The released Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA) items are examples of the use of the Kentucky Academic Standards in the Alternate Assessment and the application of the Alternate ​Assessment targets for the purpose of assessment. The items and statistics presented represent the performance of students on the content standards in Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Social Studies. Development of assessment items is an ongoing process that takes approximately eighteen months from the initial stakeholder item writing to the use of the item in an assessment.  Following the same procedures, new items are developed to replenish the item bank on an ongoing basis.





Social Studies​






Social Studies​






Social Studies


KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394
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