The Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness and the Office of Career and Technical Education present Kentucky high schools with an education career pathway to support the recruitment of a diverse and effective educator workforce, starting with our own high school students.
Focused on general theory and practice of learning and teaching, basic principles of educational psychology, art of teaching, planning and administration of educational activities, school safety and health issues, and social foundations of education, the pathway is designed to:
Provide a balance of scholarly and clinical experiences and emphasize reflective practice
Create authentic experiences that engage students in effective educator practices.
Create knowledge, skills and dispositions of effective educators
Engage rising educators as participants in the statewide community of educators

Students must complete the following three (3) core courses:
Full descriptions of Education and Training Courses are in the Additional Resources on this page.
Learning Communities
Students develop an understanding of the various responsibilities and systems involved in the K-12 educational system. Specifically, students acquire the knowledge of education through perspectives of classroom, school, district, state, and federal roles.
Learner Centered Classroom
Students develop rising educators' awareness of their funds of knowledge, as well as their personal bias that develop from their life experiences. Using research-based methods, students develop methods to impact student equity based on culturally competent models as well as growth mindset method.
The Professional Educator
Students will develop an understanding of how educators advance their profession within the classroom. Specifically, students will gain both the knowledge and skills to plan, deliver, and reflect on the process of teaching and learning.
Students select one (1) additional course from the following options:
Collaborative Clinical Experience
Students refine the required knowledge and skills to be an effective educator while also practicing the dispositions necessary for the educational profession. Specifically, students will gain an understanding of how teachers lead through individual and collaborative growth and reflection.
Principles of Career and Technical Education
Provides a general overview of career and technical education including program areas, components, philosophy and current trends and issues. Students examine a variety of topics including: history of CTE, work based learning, career and technical student organizations, advisory councils, professional organizations as well as the influence of legislation on CTE.
Career Readiness
There are multiple ways for pathway completers to meet Career Readiness requirements. Please visit the Transition Readiness webpage for more information.
I. Receiving an Industry Certification - two options approved for the TL pathway:
II. A grade of C or higher in each course on 3 hours of KDE-approved CTE dual credit