Professional Learning

Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy (KyCL)

Published: 7/24/2024 12:47 PM

​KyCL Grant RecipientsMap showing participating districts. Round 1 and Round 2 recipients are listed in the tables in the text of the page

​​KyCL Round 1 - four years of grant funding

​Bourbon County
​Caldwell County
Eminence Indpendent​
​Fairview Independent
Fayette County​
Greenup County​
​Mayfield Independent
Pike County​
Pineville Independent​
​Robertson County
​Rockcastle County

​KyCL Round 2 - three years of grant funding​​ ​

​Bellevue Independent​
​Casey County
​Christian County
Crittenden County​
​Cumberland County
Glasgow Independent
Hart County​
Menifee County
Metcalfe County
​Monroe County
​Owensboro Independent
​Owsley County
​Russellville Independent
​Todd County
​Washington County
​Wayne​ County
​Webster County
​Whitley County
​Williamstown Independent

Professional Growth for ALL Teachers

​About the KyCL Grant

In Fall of 2019 Kentucky was awarded the Comprehensive Literacy State Development in the amount of $28,695,597.00. Locally the grant is called the Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy Grant (KyCL). Thirty Kentucky districts participate in the grant.                                                              
The goal of the KyCL grant is to support schools in improving the reading and writing achievement for all learners from birth to grade 12 by supporting:  
  • A comprehensive district and school literacy plan
  • Teacher Professional Learning focused on reading and writing
  • Literacy Assessments
  • Literacy Intervention
  • Connections between early childcare providers and schools
  • Connections between community partners and schools
  • Books for children
  • Family literacy training  
KyCL provides professional learning to build teacher capacity in reading and writing instruction across all levels and contents.

KyCL strives to improve student academic outcomes through effective teacher instruction in reading and writing.

Grant Director ​

Kentucky Reading Project, Greenup & fairview Summer 2022

​Partner Websites

KyCL Resources

KDE Resources

​KyCL Professional Learning - Scarborough's Rope created by Greenup County

KyCL provides support for families and Early Childhood Providers such as connections to local school districts, learning opportunities and books. Increasing oral language in our youngest children provides a strong foundation for reading.

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