
Kentucky Summative Assessment

Published: 1/31/2025 3:11 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky students take the Kentucky Summative Assessments (KSA) to meet federal and state testing requirements. Previously, these tests were called Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP). They are developed by Kentucky teachers and align with the Kentucky Academic Standards in each content area. 

KSA are the annual summative assessments given in grades 3 through 8, 10 and 11 to Kentucky public school students. KSA provides content area assessments, including reading and mathematics at all grades, and science, social studies, writing, and editing and mechanics once per grade band (i.e. elementary, middle, and high).

These assessments are Kentucky’s measure of student proficiency and progress on the state content standards. These standards establish goals for what all students should know and be able to do in each grade. KSA are online assessments with only a small percentage of accommodated students taking it on paper. It goes beyond multiple-choice questions to include extended response and technology-enhanced items for students to demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Assessments provide critical information about student learning, but no single assessment should ever be the sole factor in making an educational decision. It is important to remember that assessments provide only one measure of student learning, but when combined with grades, classroom activities, unit quizzes and tests, and district-level assessments, the end-of-year assessments can help provide a more complete picture of a child’s abilities over the course of the school year and path toward academic success on these content standards. ​

Performance Level Descriptors (PLDs)

For KSA, students receive a separate scale score and performance level (distinguished, proficient, apprentice, and novice). Writing scores will include editing and mechanics and on-demand writing, along with an overall combined writing score. Scale scores are reported as numbers, while performance levels are descriptive. Performance levels are different by content area. These levels indicate performance on groups of items that measure similar skills. PLDs for each grade and content area are available for review using the links below.



​​​​​​Kentucky Academic Standards

Please visit to find the adopted Kentucky Academic Standards for reading, mathematics, science, social studies, editing and mechanics, and writing.

Important Resources

Test Administration Manuals

KSA Math Reference Sheets

Mathematics reference sheets are no longer provided. Instead the formulas are embedded within specific assessment items in the TestNav platform. ​

Short Answer and Extended Response Templates​

Short Answer and Extended Response Answer sheets are no longer provided. Instead the appropriate spaces are embedded within specific assessment items in the TestNav platform. ​

Rubrics and Writer's Reference Sheets

KSA Writers Reference Sheet

KSA Rubrics 

Online Testing Information

Resources will be available as developed. Look for updates frequently on this page.

Online Testing Toolbox 

The Online Testing Toolbox​ contains links to resources, tools, practice tests, tutorials, technical information, and accommodations information.

In an effort to reduce testing allegations, OAA has provided districts and schools with the Accommodated Bookmarks​, which offer a quick reference sheet for the do’s and don’ts when providing testing accommodations.​ OAA is also providing districts with English Learners (EL) Accommodated Bookmarks​, which are a quick reference sheet for the do's and don'ts when providing accommodations for EL students. 


PearsonAccessnext​​​ and TestNAV trainings can be found on the Meetings and Trainings webpage​. Guidance for specific topics can be found below. 


Certification of Proper Test Administration Forms are due within 2 weeks following the close of the test window.​ DAC Certification forms can be submitted on the DAC Certification Google Form​

Test Administration Forms ​

DAC Certification of Proper Test Administration​

BAC Certification of Proper Test Administration ​


School Report Card Suite

Assessment and Accountability Resources


DAC Monday Emails

DAC Trainings and Webcasts

Alternate Assessment Information

KDE DAC Information
Office of Assessment and Accountability
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4394

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