Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children

Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children

Published: 7/26/2024 10:20 AM

​Migrant Education is a federal entitlement program designed to provide supplementary education and human resources services to highly mobile children up to and through age 21. ​

Eligibility for the program is determined by the lifestyle of the parents/guardian (i.e. moving across school district, county, or state boundaries for the purpose of seeking or obtaining temporary or seasonal work in agriculture or commercial fishing activities). Children must move with the parent/guardian or join the parent/guardian within 12 months of a qualifying move. Children who are determined to be eligible may remain eligible for up to 36 months without another qualifying move.
The mission of the migrant program is to provide educational and human resource service opportunities that strengthen and enhance the development of the migrant child and the migrant family. The migrant program focuses primarily on the educational needs of the migrant child and attempts to alleviate barriers to successful educational achievement.
The Kentucky Migrant Regions Map provides details on each region as well as the contact information of the region coordinators.

The Kentucky Migrant Education program is currently updating all handbooks including Identification and Recruitment Handbook, Migrant Advocate Handbook, and MIS2000 Guidebook. Please contact the Migrant State Director, Christina Benassi, with questions.

IDRC Migrant Education Referral Form

The Kentucky Migrant Education Program belongs to the Identification and Recruitment Consortium (IDRC) which assists the KYMEP with effectively finding and recruiting migrant students into the migrant education program. The MEP Referral System​ is​ a referral page where simple, basic demographic information can be shared that can be used to process the referral of a family and student into the program. This referral information will be sent to migrant recruiters in the area of the state that is indicated by the address that is shared on the referral. The KYMEP appreciates the referrals made by employers, farmers, family members and business owners to help the migrant program serve Kentucky’s migrant students and their families.​

Basic Information and Forms

Kentucky Migrant Education Program Statewide Comprehensive Needs Assessment and Service Delivery Plan
Kentucky Migrant Education Program 2019-2020 Evaluation
MEP Organization Chart
Crop Timelines
Start-Up and Low-Enrollment Procedures
Migrant Carryover Process

Migrant Student Records Exchange Initiative

The Migrant Student Records Exchange Initiative (MSIX) is the technology that allows states to share educational and health information on migrant children who travel from state to state and who as a result, have student records in multiple states' information systems. MSIX works in concert with the existing migrant student information systems that states currently use to manage their migrant data ro fulfill its mission to ensure the appropriate enrollment, placement, and accrual of credits for migrant children nationwide.

​Christina Benassi
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of School and Program Improvement
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3791 Ext. 4025
Fax (502) 564-8149


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