Title I, Part D - Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk

Title I, Part D - Prevention and Intervention for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk

Published: 8/9/2024 8:23 AM

​Title I, Part D, Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk can be found in Section 1401 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). ​

​It is the purpose of this part - 

  1. to improve educational services for children and youth in local, tribal, and state institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth so that such children and youth have the opportunity to meet challenging state academic standards that all children in the state are expected to meet;

  2. to provide such children and youth with the services needed to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment; and

  3. to prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school, and to provide dropouts, and children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth, with a support system to ensure their continued education and the involvement of their families and communities.

Title I, Part D serves children through two separate programs, State Agency Programs (Subpart 1) and Local Agency Programs (Subpart 2). For more information, details, and program resources, visit the individual program pages.

For more information such as program definitions and details on who is served by this program, see the Title I, Part D Frequently Asked Questions

Monica Higgins
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of School and Program Improvement
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3791 Ext. 4052
Fax (502) 564-8149
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