Legal Services

Kentucky Laws and Regulations

Published: 9/19/2024 2:20 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky Revised Statutes

Links to a searchable database of state laws on the Legislative Research Commission website.

Kentucky Administrative Regulations

Links to a searchable database of state regulations on the Legislative Research Commission website.

KY Board of Education Regulations that Include Material Incorporated by Reference

Links to Material Incorporated by Reference - WORK IN PROGRESS

Please contact Tina Drury​ if you need hard copies

701 KAR 5:090. Teacher Disciplinary Hearings​ June 2019​

701 KAR 5:100. Guidelines for alternative models for school based decision making Feb 2021

701 KAR 5:110. Use of local monies to reduce unmet technology need​ Aug 2023

701 KAR 5:140. Districts of Innovation Aug 2018

701 KAR 8:010. Charter school application, lottery and enrollment Feb 2018

701 KAR 8:020. Evaluation of charter school authorizers 

Application and Addendum Oct 2022

Notice of Intent​ Feb 2018

701 KAR 8:030. Charter school appeal process Oct 2022

701 KAR 8:040. Conversion charter school petition, conversion and operation​  Oct 2022

702 KAR 1:160. School health services Jan 2015

702 KAR 1:170. School district data security and breach procedures Sept 2015

702 KAR 1:180. School security risk assessment tool​ June 2020

702 KAR 3:090. Depository bond, penal sum Feb 2022

702 KAR 3:100. Data report, professional staff​ July 2001​

702 KAR 3:110. Document filing dates Aug 1997

702 KAR 3:120. Uniform school financial accounting system June 1999

702 KAR 3:130. Internal accounting Aug 2019

702 KAR 3:320. Finance officer certification requirements July 2015

702 KAR 3:340. Approval of school district lease agreements​​ ​Nov 2023​

702 KAR 4:170. Facility programming and construction criteria July 1994

702 KAR 4:180. KY School Facilities Planning Manual June 2008​​​

702 KAR 7:065. KHSAA

702 KAR 7:125. Pupil attendance​ July 2023

703 KAR 5:070. Procedures for the Inclusion of special populations in the state required assessment and accountability programs April 2021

703 KAR 5:080. Administration Code for Kentucky's Educational Assessment Program​​ Feb 2014

703 KAR 5:280. School Improvement Procedures​ Dec 2020

704 KAR 3:303. Required academic standards​ Dec 2022

704 KAR 5:070. Common kindergarten entry screener​ 2013

704 KAR 8:010. KY Academic Standards for Computer Science Elective Oct 2018

704 KAR 8:020. Required academic standards for reading and writing Oct 2018

704 KAR 8:030. Required academic standards for health Oct 2018

704 KAR 8:040. Required academic standards for mathematics Oct 2018

704 KAR 8:050. Required academic standards for physical education Oct 2018

704 KAR 8:060. Required academic standards for social studies Dec 2022

704 KAR 8:070. KY academic standards for historical and cultural influences of the Bible elective social studies course​ Aug 2018

704 KAR 8:080. Required academic standards in career studies and financial literacy​ Aug 2019

704 KAR 8:090. Required academic standards for technology​ Aug 2020

704 KAR 8:100. KY academic standards for library media elective Oct 2020​

705 KAR 4:041. Work-based learning program standards​ Aug 2023​​​​​

780 KAR 3:130. Employee grievances​ April 2024


​​Tina Drury
Office of Legal and Legislative Services
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4474 ext: 4811
Fax (502) 564-9321

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