Gifted and Talented

Secondary Differentiation Resources

Published: 2/7/2024 2:05 PM

​​​​​​Differentiation resources for classroom teachers grades 6 through 12.​​​​​

​Articles​​​ and Lesson Plans for Differentiation in the Middle and High  School


“Differentiating Instruction in Responsive Middle and High School Classrooms”​ by Nancy Frey: Nancy Frey provides an in-depth process on how to incorporate differentiation in the secondary classroom.

“On Target: Strategies that Differentiate Instruction” ​by June Preszler: This article shows the entire process of differentiation and a number of ways to begin differentiating instruction in secondary classrooms.

Unit Plans

Math Ready—Southern Regional Education Board​: Free high school math unit plans with lessons to help students become Career and College Ready.

Literacy Ready—Southern Regional Education Board​ - Free high school literacy unit plans with lessons in social science, English, and science to help students become Career and College Ready. 

Lesson Plans

Below are a set of lesson plans that show differentiated instruction.



Kathie Anderson
Office of Special Education and Early Learning
Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-4970 Ext. 4133

Middle school students
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