An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
Student Health Services
Documents on this web page are updated per statute and regulation and are intended for district/school use in fulfilling the requirements for student health examinations.
Dental Screening/Exam
Kentucky law KRS 156.160 (j) requires proof of a dental screening or examination by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, registered nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to be presented to the school no later than January 1 of the first year that a five (5) or six (6) year old child is enrolled in public school.
Dental Form
KRS 214. 034 requires any child enrolled as a regular attendee in all public or private primary or secondary schools, and preschool programs shall have a current immunization certificate and be on file within two weeks of the child’s attendance. Information including school immunization legislation and regulations, school immunization schedules, school immunization reporting forms and requirements can be found at the Kentucky Immunization Program Web site.
Preventative Health Care Examination of Students (School Physical)
702 KAR 1:160 requires each child first entering a Kentucky public school or entering Grade 6 to present a Kentucky Preventative Health Care Examination Form. This exam may be completed up to one year prior to initial entry.
Student Exam
Vision Exam Form
Vision Form
Sports Physical Form
To access the student sports physical form, visit the Kentucky High School Athletic Association website. At the bottom of the webpage in the lower left hand side, click the "KHSAA Forms" link. It can also be found by doing a internet search for "KHSAA Sports Physical Form".
We strive to ensure the pages of this website are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Every effort has been made to ensure the pages of this website are accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Angie McDonald
Division of District Support
Office of Operations and Finance
300 Sower Blvd. – 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: (502) 564-5279 Ext. 4430