Global Competency

Global Competency

Published: 8/2/2022 3:51 AM
Preparing Kentucky’s Globally Engaged Students

Education has always been about preparing our students for the future. That is why 21st Century Skills are embedded into the Kentucky Academic Standards (for more information on 21st Century Skills, visit the P21 website).

Global competence takes the 21st Century skills and infuses global awareness into everyday classroom practices by expanding student’s learning of cultural, historical, political and economic understandings about how our current, and their future, world work. Creating a relevant, immediate and engaging learning environment conducive to deepening exploration and knowledge of the ways that culture, including World Language, influences identities and worldviews is a first-step toward global competency.

Definition of Global Competency

Although global competency is defined in various ways, the sweeping changes of globalization—new information and technologies, increasing economic integration, and the emergence of global environmental, economic, social and political challenges—demand an urgent and thoughtful re-examination of what is learned in the classroom for both economic and civic reasons.

In January 2017, the U.S. Department of Education provided the following definition for a globally and culturally competent individual:

  • Proficient in at least two languages; 

  • Aware of differences that exist between cultures, open to diverse perspectives, and appreciative of insight gained through open cultural exchange; 

  • Critical and creative thinkers, who can apply understanding of diverse cultures, beliefs, economies, technology and forms of government in order to work effectively in cross-cultural settings to address societal, environmental or entrepreneurial challenges; 

  • Able to operate at a professional level in intercultural and international contexts and to continue to develop new skills and harness technology to support continued growth.

This definition is part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Framework for Developing Global and Cultural Competencies to Advance Equity, Excellence and Economic Competitiveness.

Resolution Supporting Global Readiness for Kentucky Students

The Kentucky Board of Education adopted a resolution related to Global Competence during the August 2014 Kentucky Board of Education meeting. These goals are outlined in detail in Kentucky's Global Education Position Statement

Please contact the world languages team with any questions.​

​KDE Resources

Global Competency Listserv
(Download this PDF with instructions to sign up and receive information on Global Competency)

Ky Teacher Global Competency and World Languages Newsletter

Outside of KDE Resources

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