| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | english_learners_attainment_2023 | 770 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | kindergarten_screen_2023 | 13115 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | national_assessment_of_educational_progress_2023 | 10 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | progress_towards_state_goals_english_language_proficiency_2023 | 435 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | progress_towards_state_goals_graduation_rate_2023 | 3793 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | progress_towards_state_goals_proficiency_2023 | 42535 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | alternate_assessment_2023 | 2270 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | asmt_performance_by_grade_2023 | 78382 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | College_Admissions_Exam_2023 | 1355 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Career Technical Education | perkins_2023 | 458 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Mathematics_2023 | 31821 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_OnDemandWriting_2023 | 25013 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Reading_2023 | 32105 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Science_2023 | 24897 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_SocialStudies_2023 | 25378 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | accountability_profile_2023 | 469 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | accountability_summary_2023 | 4701 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | accountable_assessment_performance_2023 | 41543 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | ACCT_CSI_TSI_ATSI_2023 | 38 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_EditingMechanics_2023 | 25377 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Assessment | assessment_participation_2023 | 52285 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Graduation Rate | Crosstab_Cohort_4_Year_2023 | 3856 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Graduation Rate | Crosstab_Cohort_5_Year_2023 | 3740 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Graduation Rate | graduation_rate_2023 | 1146 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Postsecondary Paths | postsecondary_readiness_2023 | 1160 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Progress on English Language Proficiency | english_language_proficiency_2023 | 2767 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Quality of School Climate and Safety | quality_of_school_climate_and_safety_survey_index_scores_2023 | 6402 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Quality of School Climate and Safety | quality_of_school_climate_and_safety_survey_middle_school_2023 | 71571 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Quality of School Climate and Safety | quality_of_school_climate_and_safety_survey_high_school_2023 | 57298 KB
| 2022-2023 | Accountability | Quality of School Climate and Safety | quality_of_school_climate_and_safety_survey_elementary_school_2023 | 132472 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Advanced Coursework | advanced_courses_offered_2023 | 1421 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Advanced Coursework | advanced_courses_participation_and_performance_2023 | 3078 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Career Technical Education | cte_opportunities_2023 | 1670 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Career Technical Education | cte_student_objective_2023 | 55 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Career Technical Education | career_pathways_2023 | 890 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Career Technical Education | cte_by_student_group_2023 | 1166 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | General Education Coursework | school_courses_summary_2023 | 5466 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | General Education Coursework | visual_and_performing_arts_2023 | 428 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | General Education Coursework | world_languages_2023 | 380 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | General Education Coursework | career_studies_2023 | 402 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | General Education Coursework | health_education_and_physical_education_2023 | 374 KB
| 2022-2023 | Educational Opportunities | Gifted and Talented | gifted_and_talented_2023 | 5440 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | taxes_2023 | 22 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | state_funding_2023 | 24 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | spending_per_student_2023 | 238 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | spending_2023 | 38 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | funding_2023 | 26 KB
| 2022-2023 | Financial Transparency | District Finance | financial_summary_2023 | 22 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Organization Information | board_members_2023 | 1425 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Organization Information | district_school_list_2023 | 424 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | students_taught_by_inexperienced_teachers_2023 | 375 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Equity | students_taught_by_out_of_field_teachers_2023 | 366 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Equity | inexperienced_staff_2023 | 128 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | students_taught_by_ineffective_teachers_2023 | 360 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | fulltime_equivalent_teacher_2023 | 16 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | student_teacher_ratio_2023 | 184 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | faculty_counts_2023 | 1993 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | teacher_certifications_2023 | 203 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | teacher_turnover_2023 | 197 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | teacher_working_conditions_2023 | 658 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | teachers_with_certification_in_specialized_areas_2023 | 171 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | average_years_school_experience_2023 | 191 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | educator_qualifications_2023 | 823 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | inexperienced_teachers_2023 | 196 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Faculty, Staff, and Community | parental_involvement_2023 | 181 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Attendance | attendance_rate_2023 | 172 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Attendance | chronic_absenteeism_2023 | 4800 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Attendance | adjusted_average_daily_attendance_2023 | 175 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Dropout Rate by School/District | dropout_2023 | 1569 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Dropout Rate by School/District | retention_2023 | 2131 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | End-of-Year Enrollment | secondary_enrollment_2023 | 237 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | End-of-Year Enrollment | student_membership_2023 | 3312 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | End-of-Year Enrollment | primary_enrollment_2023 | 4785 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Student Groups | homeless_2023 | 3624 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Student Groups | migrant_2023 | 3725 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Student Groups | students_with_disabilities_2023 | 5876 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Student Groups | economically_disadvantaged_2023 | 3223 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Student Groups | english_learners_2023 | 9748 KB
| 2022-2023 | Overview | Technology | access_to_technology_2023 | 204 KB
| 2022-2023 | School Safety | Safety | safe_schools_event_details_2023 | 5645 KB
| 2022-2023 | School Safety | Safety | safe_schools_events_by_grade_2023 | 4503 KB
| 2022-2023 | School Safety | Safety | precautionary_measures_2023 | 285 KB
| 2022-2023 | School Safety | Safety | safe_schools_discipline_2023 | 4379 KB
| 2022-2023 | Transition to Adult Life | TBD | career_readiness_indicators_2023 | 50 KB
| 2022-2023 | Transition to Adult Life | TBD | student_graduates_count_2023 | 1209 KB
| 2022-2023 | Transition to Adult Life | Postsecondary Paths | transition_in_state_postsecondary_education_2023 | 844 KB
| 2022-2023 | Transition to Adult Life | Postsecondary Paths | transition_to_adult_life_2023 | 71 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | ACCT_CSI_TSI_ATSI_2022 | 54 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_EditingMechanics_2022 | 29132 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Mathematics_2022 | 36204 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_OnDemandWriting_2022 | 28686 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Reading_2022 | 36488 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_Science_2022 | 28534 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Accountability Data | Crosstab_SocialStudies_2022 | 29095 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Graduation Rate | Crosstab_Cohort_4_Year_2022 | 4830 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Graduation Rate | Crosstab_Cohort_5_Year_2022 | 4765 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Assessment | english_learners_attainment_2022 | 763 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Assessment | kindergarten_screen_2022 | 13421 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Assessment | national_assessment_of_educational_progress_2022 | 10 KB
| 2021-2022 | Accountability | Assessment | progress_towards_state_goals_graduation_rate_2022 | 3763 KB