Advisory Groups

Superintendents Advisory Council (SAC)

Published: 2/12/2025 11:06 AM


The Superintendents Advisory Council (SAC) gives advice and input on matters concerning education policy to Kentucky's education commissioner​.


The Superintendents Advisory Council (SAC) is comprised of 25 members. Twenty-four of the members will be selected by educational cooperative boards (three members from each cooperative). Members will serve three-year terms beginning on July 1 of each year, unless the member is completing the term of someone who has resigned or retired. The Superintendent of Jefferson County will be a standing member of the committee.

​Erin Sudduth
Office of Continuous Improvement and Support
Division of School and Program Improvement
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3791  Ext. 4021
Fax (502) 564-8149

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