Grant Information

Federal Grants

Published: 2/6/2025 8:42 AM
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Federal Grant information for Kentucky School districts​

School Districts will find the CDIP MUNIS Funding Matrix, Federal Allocations, Award Notifications, Declaration of Participation, NCLB Transferability and Maintenance of Effort on this site. 
Please note:  The information contained on this page is frequently updated.
Note: Release of New Year funds is contingent upon the following:  District Funding Assurances completed in GMAP, District Funding Assurances Statement uploaded in GMAP by the superintendent (not the designee), Federal Cash Request Statement of Assurances uploaded in GMAP and an approved GMAP application (Consolidated, IDEA and Perkins).

Federal Cash Requests

Federal Cash Request Procedural Instructions_2023

Please contact Ken Greene at for a copy of the FY2023 FCR Form.​

Funding Matrix Documents


Federal Allocations

FY2018-2019 District Allocations 032020
FY2019-2020 District Allocations 062921
FY2020-2021 District Allocations 020121
FY2021-2022 District Allocations 081523

Federal Award Notifications


ESSER Revised Awards 021921
ESSER II Award Notifications 021921
GEER Award Notifications 062420
GEER Revised Awards 021921
FY2021 Digital Learning Coaches 042622 Round 1
Title I Part A

Title I School Improvement Part A

Title I School Improvement Part G 


Title I Part C Migrant


Title II Part A Supporting Effective Instruction


Title III English Language Learners

​​FY2024 Title III English Language Learners Awards Revised


Title III Immigrant


Title IV- A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant

FY2019 Title IV A Awards
FY2019 Title IV A Revised Awards
FY2020 Title IV A Awards

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Title V Rural & Low Income Schools 


IDEA B Basic

IDEA B Preschool

Stewart McKinney-Vento Homeless

FY2020 Stewart McKinney-Vento Homeless Awards 
FY2024 Stewart McKinney-Vento Homeless Awards
FY2025 Stewart McKinney-Vento Homeless Awards


Title II Part C Perkins

Striving Readers

​Stronger Connections

FY2024 Stronger Connections Awards​​

Helpful Links

Uniform Grant Guidance

Thelma Hawkins
Office of Finance and Operations
Division of Budget and Financial Management
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-1979
Fax (502) 564-6771
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