Supplemental and Historical Data

Assessment and Accountability Datasets 2023-2024

Published: 10/4/2024 2:55 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​Each year, the Kentucky Department of Education provides comprehensive data on key education metrics about the performance and progress of schools. Due to transitioning to a new vendor, the 2023-2024 School Report Card (SRC) Suite will be released in a phased approach. The assessment and accountability data are presented below through detailed datasets. The new SRC dashboard view, offering an intuitive and interactive way to explore the data, will be released later this year.

For those interested in historical datasets, please visit Open House for School Report Card Datasets - Kentucky Department of Education​

2023-2024 Assessment and Accountability Datasets
TypeCategoryDownloadDescriptionFile SizeModified
csvAccountability DataAccountable_Assessment_Performance_2024.CSVThe Accountability Performance Levels and Content index aggregated by Level2734844511/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvAccountability DataAccountable_Profile_2024.CSVThe Level based Accountability data for all indicators and overall32092311/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvAccountability DataAccountable_Summary_2024.CSVThe Level based Accountability data for all indicatorsby subgroups260206611/12/2024 2:30 PM
xlsxAccountability DataACCT_CSI_TSI_ATSI_2024.xlsxList of CSI, TSI and ATSI Schools3153011/12/2024 2:30 PM
zipAccountability DataAll_Datasets_Archive.zipZip file archive containing all downloads1698994911/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvAssessmentAsmt_Performance_by_Grade_2024.CSVThe Assessment Performance Levels and Content index aggregated by Grade. This is based on all students tested at a location5568508212/2/2024 9:05 AM
csvAssessmentCAE_2024.CSVThis is the Average Scores and Benchmark on the 11th Grade State Administration of the College Admissions Exam (The ACT)124050012/2/2024 9:05 AM
csvAssessmentKindergarten_Screen_2024.CSVKindergarten Screener Data980312211/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvGraduation RateGraduation_Rate_2024.CSV4 and 5 Year cohort graduation rate data107534211/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvPostsecondary PathsPostsecondary_Readiness_2024.CSVPostsecondary Readiness Data83936511/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvProgress on English Language ProficiencyEnglish_Language_Proficiency_2024.CSVThis is the Proficiency Data for Accountability by English Learners on the ACCESS test166487311/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvProgress on English Language ProficiencyEnglish_Learners_Attainment_2024.CSVThis is the Attainment data for English Learners on the ACCESS Test45353111/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvQuality of School Climate and SafetyQuality_of_School_Climate_and_Safety_Survey_Elementary_School_2024.CSVAggregated Quality of School Climate and Safety Survey for Elementary Schools6038607511/12/2024 2:30 PM
csvQuality of School Climate and SafetyQuality_of_School_Climate_and_Safety_Survey_High_School_2024.CSVAggregated Quality of School Climate and Safety Survey for High Schools2611308311/12/2024 2:31 PM
csvQuality of School Climate and SafetyQuality_of_School_Climate_and_Safety_Survey_Index_Scores_2024.CSVAggregated Quality of School Climate and Safety Survey398841311/12/2024 2:31 PM
csvQuality of School Climate and SafetyQuality_of_School_Climate_and_Safety_Survey_Middle_School_2024.CSVAggregated Quality of School Climate and Safety Survey for Middle Schools3304468311/12/2024 2:31 PM
csvQuality of School Climate and SafetyQuality_of_School_Climate_and_Safety_Survey_Questions_2024.CSVQuality of School Climate and Safety Questions673011/12/2024 2:31 PM



​KDE Assessment
Office of Assessment and Accountability
Division of Accountability Data and Analysis
300 Sower Blvd., 5th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-9853

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